Vigneshwar V




Hi, This is Vigneshwar Vijayakumar, also known as VV, from Tiruchirapalli. My father passed away when I was 4. My mother works for daily wages in the Self-Development Group. I completed my 12th in 2022. I am always eager to learn new technologies and built any good stuffs. I learn many skills, such as communication, craftsmanship and time management. I would like to be the best full-stack developer.

  • City: Chennai, TamilNadu, India
  • Email: Drop a mail
  • Freelance: Available


HTML 90%
CSS 80%
JavaScript 55%


I'm on a mission to snag a role that's not just your run-of-the-mill gig. I'm talking about something that's gonna push me and let me grow. My game plan is to bring my A-game in Full Stack, armed with top-notch analytical skills, tech know-how, and a solid background. I'm all about turning data into smart business moves and taking decision-making to the next level. Let's make things happen!


12th Std

2021 - 2022

St. Joseph's College Higher Secondary School, Thiruchirapalli.

Percentage: 75.83%



CSS (Cascading style sheets) are primarily used to enable text styling, tables, and to format the layout of Web pages.

Credential Here

SQL (Basic)

Understand how to install and configure MySQL . Know how to create databases, users, tables, and views within those databases. Know how to populate tables with data.

Credential Here

SQL (Intermediate)

It is in MySQL Intermediate level

Credential Here


It is used to work with data science, neural networks, data visualization, data analysis, and data collection , providing a rich overview of your web application's information.

Credential Here

Academic Project

Web Application Development

Oct 2022
  • Project Title: Global Fun City Private Limited.
  • Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, MySQL
  • Soft Skills: Time Management, Presentation skills, Communication.
  • Github Link: Here
  • Live Server: Here


Soft Skills

  • Creativity
  • Leadership
  • Team Player
  • Adaptability
  • Presentation
  • Communication
  • Time Management



Chennai, TamilNadu, India